Thursday 2 July 2015

F***INGsimmer rage and bitching

so yet again more simmers bitching about how
not happy about this and that or how had pay out and blaming EA
yet thier one who chose to buy games
not like some put a gun do your head.
so i thought share what i see n day or all time this from Facebook
blacked out name bc i want keep person safe

<_this only some if it could put more but way too long

ps my sims i kill some them of will post tree
Friday tifg
:) hope everyone yesterday
in joy their Canada DAY
and for US i know july 4 is your guys
Fire work day i wish all best.

i am happy that gays now can get mairred in us hope that changes round world
i think should not be laws who can marry in this world it's mess up

ps for people who says it sins
piss off mind own if don't like go back to rock came out from if your not going be nice
i get god is big to but your not only one who gots gods tons of other people you need think about
and i wish war would stop every where well good night to you all

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