Friday 22 May 2015

sorry for no post

my internet went down and it sucks ass
but i got some what of story line
so this how it go so it start whit glow faith and gill faith
as they were roommates but fell in love wait to get married
and have sex and wait on their first kiss to so when they were ready they got married
then after wedding they went to bedroom try for kid so dad had get job so chose a chief as his career and he hate it at first but then got really in to finding out later on his was going be having baby so then his love little girl cam Sizzy Faith so cute but dose not last long they all got grow up some time and he in joy ever min he got whit her she was really good girl got A's in school and mom was a stay at home mom so she chose do some grading as fun little thing do then along way dad picked up fishing and mom was okay whit that bc he too sizzy whit him when did she would go along to and then on that day she found a cave so she too up handiness and took her time build it up
and she got it open so she got in found a lovely little place to find plants for her garden and after that her husband cot cow plant seed so she they went home she plant it water it talk to it then few days later it was full grown and she when go feed it and it eat her nearly killer her but she was not bad more disappoint in it for going that so one night she got up go feed it eat her and killed her her husband was so heart broken and he was so lost whit out his love and her little girl was
so so sad she cry all night and day but slow came round but dad took it hardest crying every day
and night then one night mom came back as ghost and then her dad re hooked up and got married and then found way to make her come back from dead he had angle fish then he got death flower then he got bottle of youth then made the meal she ate it and came back and her girl was so happy about
then mom and dad when to bed room and made another baby and from their family has grown.
 but now their sims must die to keep family going due cow plant is mad at family and will never for give them so it took a vow to eat as much of family as it can so far lost 3 sims
who will be next

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