is down idk when its going be back up look on thier twitter and guy said could be tuseday so this is piss on to me thier mod i need now i can't get it
so i am pisst i neeed a mod now i can't get it grrrrrrrrrrr
so mad
like think would email you or post it on facebook
or tell what hell is going on
this is my blog about sims 4 and other stuff and me bitching about people bitching in joy your readings
Friday, 26 June 2015
going to make lots of alien babies rule world hehehe
mods fun download find lots sexy stuff and really bad cc at times lol
but still fun in long run :)
mods fun download find lots sexy stuff and really bad cc at times lol
but still fun in long run :)
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
so made some art in sims
so i am selling t-shirts and i need help so please take look and trying to sell my art :)
so please follow this link
:) lol love draw and sing
feel free ask me stuff love to get know you all
my fav color is blue
i love gaming
i love new foods
your trun
so please follow this link
:) lol love draw and sing
feel free ask me stuff love to get know you all
my fav color is blue
i love gaming
i love new foods
your trun
Cheats book for sims
so i have been making cheat book for bit now for my sims group on Facebook
and its been going great and keep eye on new cheats that are being shard making sure its very detail
cheat books :)
Facebook Group --->
here it is in joy
to enter cheats in to sims 4
press shitf +ctrl c and white window will pop up at top and to cloes it hit same keys or esc
Testing Cheats
Edit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for Modify in CAS
his or her name and inherited traits
Adds the selected Sim to the current household Add to Family
Fills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy mood Cheat Motive, Make Happy
Motives behave normally Cheat Motive Enable Motive Decay
Motives freeze Cheat Motive Disable Motive Decay
Resets the selected Sim or object Reset Object
Teleports a Sim to the selected point Teleport Sim
The object will become clean Make Clean
The object will become dirty Make Dirty
Raise selected object 9
Lower selected object 0
Debug mode bb.showhiddenobjects
Testing CheatsTo enable Testing Cheats, type testingcheats on. To disable them, type testingcheats off. The console will say, "Cheats Enabled". If it does not, you can try other options:testingcheats 1, testingcheats true, and testingcheats yes all work to enable the cheats. You must do this every time you load an area until a bug is fixed. Here are the things you can do with testingcheats - note that this command is also necessary for the extra cheats further down.
Shift-Click the Mailbox to access the ability to lock needs for your current household or the entire neighborhood. Disable Need Decay will make needs stop falling; re-enabling them is as simple as selecting Enable Need Decay. Make Happy will then fill needs to the maximum. You can do this on an individual Sim level by Shift-Clicking Your Sims. This will let you select to make only that Sim's needs static or make them happy by filling all needs. You are also able to completely redesign a Sim by shift-clicking them and selecting Modify in CAS. This takes you to Create-A-Sim where you can make the Sim look however you want, but not change their gender or traits.
To fully edit a Sim in Create-a-Sim, type cas.fulleditmode with Testing Cheats On. This will let you change the gender, traits, everything, and is much more powerful than the scaled down version you get without typing this cheat. Thanks Pokeh321 for giving me this information.
Shift-Clicking NPC Sims At the moment, this one seems to have disappeared. When it's working, it will allow you to add them to your household or reset them if they get stuck. You should also be able to enable/disable need decay and make them happy if you so choose - good if your Sim's date has to leave due to being tired! You can also Edit them in CAS if you like.
Shift-Clicking the Ground will allow you to Teleport anywhere you could walk in the neighborhood. Shift-Clicking Objects allows you to reset them, should something get stuck or broken.
Shift-Clicking Objects, for those that can get dirty, allows you to either make them dirty or clean - all objectcs
can be reset, as well.
This is a list of cheats in The Sims 4 that allow you to get money, prevent death, and adjust your Skill and Career levels. Much more can be done with testingcheats and cheats that were not officially released by Maxis. Here's everything you need to know to cheat in The Sims 4. Now updated with more official cheats from EA, including MoveObjects!
Open the Cheat Console by pressing Control + Shift + C. From there, you can type commands that function as cheats for The Sims 4. Press enter to activate the cheat, then press control + shift + c again to close the cheat console.
Here's a quick list of the main cheats you need:
Cheats/Console Commands
Call Handyman soak.create_soak_handyman_situation
Call Maid soak.create_soak_maid_situation
Call Party soak.create_soak_party_situation
Enable Handyman soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation
Enable Maid soak.enable_soak_maid_situation
Enable Party soak.enable_soak_party_situation
Complete Current Milestone aspirations.complete_current_milestone
Completes current aspiration milestone aspirations.complete_current_milestone
Displays available commands help
Earn a demotion in chosen career careers.demote[name of career]
Earn a promotion in chosen career careers.promote[name of career]
Edit Sim mid game. cas.fulleditmode
Enable/Disable cheats testingcheats {true/false}
Exits the game. quit
Force Bills Due households.force_bills_due
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons. hideheadlineeffects
Infinite Consumables objects.consumables_infinite_toggle
Make Any Sim or Ghost Appear Pregnant sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor
Make Maid - Turn Off sims.remove_buff NPC_Maid
Make Maid - Turn On sims.add_buff NPC_Maid
Moodlets are removed sims.remove_all_buffs
Move Objects on allows you to completely disregard all of the game's rules of object placement and place objects wherever you want. bb.moveobjects [on/off]
Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)
Spawn object objects.gsi_create_obj <objectID>
Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes + don't keep these []) sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired]
Subtracts any amount of money. sims.modify_funds -[enter amount]
Toggles fullscreen. fullscreen
Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner. fps [on|off]
Back out of dialog or automatically make a choiceui.dialog.auto_respond
Edit all base level attributes for selected Simcas.fulleditmode
Set funds to indicated number money [number]
Add value from current funds Sims.modify_funds +[number]
Subtract value from current funds Sims.modify_funds -[number]
Add indicated amount of satisfaction pointssims.give_satisfaction_points [number]
Casclockspeed 0.1-?? Slows down and speeds up the CAS actions of a Sim. (CAS ONLY)
resetSim {FirstName} {Surname} If your Sim becomes frozen or glitches out, this cheat resets the Sim to their default state.
cas.fulleditmode Enables full CAS editing for existing Sims. This includes traits, names, and clothing.
bb.showhiddenobjects Buydebug cheat. Once entered, type ‘debug’ in the search bar in buy mode to enable hidden objects.
bb.moveobjects Allows objects to be placed anywhere without any constraints. While an object is selected, use the 9 and 0 key to adjust the height of the item being moved.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlocks all build/buy objects. Ignores restrictions placed on certain objects and styled rooms that are only available with career promotions.
bb.enablefreebuild Allows the player to construct on and edit lots that are otherwise locked/hidden in the game.
sims.give_satisfaction_points {#} Gives satisfaction points where {#} is the amount of points to add.
fullscreen Toggles The Sims 4 Full screen mode on or off.
headlineeffects {on/off} Hides all headline effects including plumbobs, Sim/Plant names, and thought balloons.
Set as Head With testingcheats true enabled, SHIFT + CLICK on any object and select Set as Head. To remove the object, go onto your ACTIVE lot, SHIFT + Click and "Reset" the object. You can then sell it in buy mode, or move it around on your lot.
Pressing SHIFT + ] Increases the size of objects.
Pressing SHIFT + [ Decreases the size of objects.
Influence Death You Can't - But You Can Add Buffs
Death By Embarrassment - Cause Death Within 5 Hours sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified
Death By Exahustion sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
Death By Hunger - 24 Hour Death sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving
Death By Repair sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning
Disables Death Death.toggle
Death Flower Rare $1 48h Graft Orchid with Pomegranate. It does not stop a Sim's death immediately as it did in TS3. In The Sims 4, you need another Sim to give Grim a Death Flower after he's done arriving to take the soul. He'll accept it and bring the dead Sim back to life. Death Flower is also used in the Gourmet Cooking Ambrosia Recipe.
Type kaching or rosebud - Gives the family $1000 each time you type them.Type Motherlode - Gives the family $50,000 each time you type it.Sim Stuck? Type Resetsim Firstname Lastname - to reset a stuck Sim back to the home lot and resume your game.Type death.toggle true/false Use false to disable death. You will need to do this every time you load your game. Without true/false it does not say death is off/on, just that it's toggled.. It's safer to just use death.toggle falsehideheadlineeffects on/off toggle between showing headline effects over Sims. This is good for taking screenshots or making movies.freerealestate on/off - Makes homes free when typed while shopping for a house - this can let you live in a mansion without needing to afford it. This is a helpful cheat when you're Moving a Sim out of the house and want that Sim to live in a better home.households.autopay_bills - Annoying bills will trouble you no longer.sims.remove_all_buffs will remove all moodlets from your Sim. Those from high needs and environment will come back up, so you can effectively remove negative moodlets with this one.fps on/off - display frames per second. Good for tuning graphical settings for optimal performance.fullscreen - type this to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode - you can even adjust window size! Great for checking guides while you - the Move Objects cheat returned in a Patch. Type this, then use 9 and 0 to adjust the item being 'held'. With this, you have powerful creative control over objects and can place them without constraint. It allows for some super cool looks, so experiment with this one if you love building/decorating!bb.showhiddenobjects (Buydebug Cheat) - After typing this, look to the top right of the list for 'Filter Objects'. You can see Content there. Under Content will be Debug. Then, when going to a category, you will see only the Debug objects. By doing this, you can build things like ponds on your lot, objects created by skills, and other debug objects. An easy way to see everything under build mode is to go to objects by function and select Show All on that dropdown. To find Ponds for fishing holes, type fishing in the search - Allows you to build on otherwise locked lots, such as the new Active Careers' Science Lab, Police Station, and Hospitalbb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - to make that one more readable, it's spelling ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement. This allows you to ignore the restrictions placed on certain objects and the styled rooms that come with career promotions.
Money X - Type Money 50000 or 1000000, whatever you like, and your family will have that amount exactly. This can be used to subtract funds, because it sets the money to whatever amount you specify.
Satisfaction/Aspiration Cheats - Type aspirations.complete_current_milestoneand you will get all the satisfaction from completing those, while moving closer to the special trait you get. You can do this over and over to get all special reward traits on a Sim. To simply get 100 Satisfaction, type sims.add_buff Points, followed bysims.remove_buff points. You must type these two over and over to get the 100 satisfaction again. The Aspiration cheat is better in my opinion.
Infinite Consumables - One-time use potions can be bought with satisfaction. You may also milk Cow Plants that have killed Sims to get a potion that increases a Sim's lifespan. You can make these consumables infinite by using theobjects.consumables_infinite_toggle Cheat. This can allow you to always get a particular emotion, or make a Sim immortal with aging still on.
Remove negative moodlets by typing Sims.remove_all_buffs. This will take away positive as well, but you can get those back. The link to TwistedMexican's wiki has a list of all buffs, which can be added/removed individually.
Careers Cheats - Type Careers.promote X - for example careers.promote astronaut would promote your Sim 1 level in the Astronaut career. Any Careers that have multiple words should contain no spaces, for example careers.promote X also works, causing a Sim to go back a level. You cannot use this to go back to the branch choice for a career - if you're at the first level of a branch, you'll be fired using this.
Skill Cheats - Type Stats.set_skill_level skill X with X being the level of skill you'd like the selected Sim to be. You can find _ near the backspace key on your keyboard. Skills are named like this:
Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 - make handiness 10. Note the Major_ before the skill name. If you did this, you'd see the level 10 popup. If you want to see what unlocks with each level, read the guide or adjust it by 1 each time so that you can see information on each new level. Here are all the skills you can type
Stats.set_skill_level Major 10
stats.set_skill_level major_Herbalism -Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
stats.set_skill_level major_charisma
stats.set_skill_level major_comedy
stats.set_skill_level major_homestylecooking
stats.set_skill_level major_fishing
stats.set_skill_level skill_fitness
stats.set_skill_level major_gardening
stats.set_skill_level major_gourmetcooking
stats.set_skill_level major_guitar
stats.set_skill_level major_handiness
stats.set_skill_level major_herbalism
stats.set_skill_level major_logic
stats.set_skill_level major_mischief
stats.set_skill_level major_bartending (Mixology)
stats.set_skill_level major_painting
stats.set_skill_level major_piano
stats.set_skill_level major_programming
stats.set_skill_level major_reaping
stats.set_skill_level major_rocketscience
stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming
stats.set_skill_level major_violin
stats.set_skill_level major_writing
stats.set_skill_level major_baking -Get to Work
stats.set_skill_level major_Photography - Max 5, Get to Work
headlineeffect on/off -hides the bubbles and plumbob
Customize the size of Items - Enlarge or Shrink - This only works while in build mode, as changing object size requires you to be able to fit it somewhere. Take the object you want to change size of and Press Shift + ] to make it bigger. You can shrink objects down to one tile by using Shift + [ or using Control + Z to undo your changes. Press this too much and it will grow enormously. The controls for this are a little wonky, so experimentation is recommended. I press control + ] then move the object to see the change. This is necessary. Thankfully, if you go overboard like in the picture above you can always undo it and shrink the object down to a size you like.
Edit Relationship Level with Sims
First, make sure you have activated the testingcheats code (testingcheats true/testingcheats on). Open the console menu and copy/paste the code below and edit "PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName" with your Sim's information and then "TargetFirstName TargetLastName" with your target Sim's information and a number
between -100 to 100. Note that this will only change how your Sim feels, not the NPC Sim.
Makes Acquaintances with ALL sims Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete.
Spawn a Friend for Me Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim.
Customize Sims relationships. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName (-100 to 100) Friendship/Romance_Main
Makes Sims good friends. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName 100 Friendship_Main
Makes Sims soulmates. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName
TargetLastName 100 Romance_Main
Babies cheat
U can infulence the sex of your sim baby eat strawberries and listen to pop music to increase chances of girl. And for a boy it's carrots and alternative music. for all u simmers who get a boy instead of a girl
The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true. Use the search box if you are looking for specific traits you need like; relationship traits, skills traits or maybe career traits. If you want to remove Traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces}
Trait Cheats Result
traits.equip_trait Alluring Alluring
Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others.
traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome Always Welcome
Always Welcome Sims will act more at home when at others' residences, and the hosts won't mind at all!
traits.equip_trait AnglersTranquility Angler's Tranquility
Sims with Angler's Tranquility will find that all of their problems seem to melt away while they are fishing.
traits.equip_trait Antiseptic Antiseptic
Antiseptic Sims' Hygiene Need decays much slower.
traits.equip_trait Appraiser Appraiser
Appraisers can sell collectibles like Metals, Crystals, Elements, and Fossils to the Simsonian Museum for extra money.
traits.equip_trait Beguiling Beguiling
Beguiling Sims can put anyone in a flirty mood with just one look.
traits.equip_trait Business_Savvy Business Savvy
Business Savvy Sims earn more than the standard rate from careers.
traits.equip_trait Carefree Carefree
Carefree Sims will never get Tense.
traits.equip_trait Collector Collector
Collectors can find rare collectibles more often!
traits.equip_trait EternalBond Companion
Sims with a Companion have special interactions with their spouse that help ease the trials of life.
traits.equip_trait Connections Connections
Sims with Connections start all Careers several levels ahead!
traits.equip_trait CreativeVisionary Creative Visionary
Creative Visionaries have a higher chance of painting and writing masterworks.
traits.equip_trait CreativelyGifted Creatively Gifted
Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Dastardly Dastardly
Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
traits.equip_trait FamilySim Domestic
Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.
traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial Sims are more likely to get promoted in their Career.
traits.equip_trait EssenceOfFlavor Essence of Flavor
Sims with the Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink.
traits.equip_trait Expressionistic Expressionistic
Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood!
traits.equip_trait Fertile Fertile
Fertile Sims have an easier time when trying for a baby, and a higher chance of twins or triplets.
traits.equip_trait FreeServices Free Services
All single use service requests are free.
traits.equip_trait FreshChef Fresh Chef
Fresh Chefs always make the highest quality food, and it never spoils!
traits.equip_trait Frugal Frugal
A Frugal Sim's household has reduced bills.
traits.equip_trait GreatKisser Great Kisser
Great Kissers have amazing success with kissing, and increase Charisma with every kiss!
traits.equip_trait Gregarious Gregarious
Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster.
traits.equip_trait GymRat Gym Rat
Gym Rats build Fun and don't lose Hygiene while exercising!
traits.equip_trait TheKnack Handy
Handy Sims can instantly Fix and Upgrade any object.
traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry Hardly Hungry
Some Sims just don't have much of an appetite.
traits.equip_trait High_Metabolism High Metabolism
It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism.
traits.equip_trait Hilarious Hilarious
Hilarious Sims can never go wrong with a joke, and have a few extra-special ones up their
traits.equip_trait Independent Independent
Independent Sims' Social Need decays slower.
traits.equip_trait Longevity Long Lived
Long Lived lets Sims live longer lives, barring any accidents.
traits.equip_trait Marketable Marketable
Marketable Sims sell items they've crafted for more Simoleons!
traits.equip_trait Mastermind Mastermind
Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and jealousy in their opponents.
traits.equip_trait Memorable Memorable
Relationships decay more slowly.
traits.equip_trait MentallyGifted Mentally Gifted
Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Mentor Mentor
Once Mentors reach Level 10 in certain skills, the Mentor interaction becomes available and they can help other Sims improve their skills even more quickly!
traits.equip_trait MorningPerson Morning Sim
Morning Sim build extra skill in the morning.
traits.equip_trait Muser Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they're inspired.
traits.equip_trait OneWithNature Naturalist
Sims that are Naturalists don't need to fear fire; it won't touch them, and they can extinguish it with ease.
traits.equip_trait NeverWeary Never Weary
Never Weary Sims need less sleep.
traits.equip_trait NightOwl Night Owl
Night Owls build extra skill at night.
traits.equip_trait Observant Observant
Observant Sims learn the traits of others just by meeting them.
traits.equip_trait PerfectHost Perfect Host
Perfect Hosts get a boost to the score of any social event they throw.
traits.equip_trait PhysicallyGifted Physically Gifted
Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Piper Piper
Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others.
traits.equip_trait Player Player
Players will never cause other Sims to get jealous, no matter what they do.
traits.equip_trait EpicPoet Poetic
Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back someone they've lost.
traits.equip_trait PotionMaster Potion Master
Potion Masters can mix potent drinks which can sway the drinker's emotions.
traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker Professional Slacker
Professional Slackers have no fear of being demoted or fired.
traits.equip_trait Chronicler Professorial
Professorial Sims can write helpful manuals about any skill they're wellversed in.
traits.equip_trait Quick_Learner Quick Learner
Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster.
traits.equip_trait Savant Savant
Savants gain all skills much faster!
traits.equip_trait Shameless Shameless
Shameless Sims will never get Embarrassed!
traits.equip_trait Invested Shrewd
Shrewd Sims receive a direct deposit each week based on their Household Funds.
traits.equip_trait Sincere Sincere
Sincere Sims have more success with Apologies and Compliments.
traits.equip_trait SociallyGifted Socially Gifted
Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster.
traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner Speed Cleaner
Speed Cleaners tidy up much faster!
traits.equip_trait SpeedReader Speed Reader
Speed Readers read books faster than your average Sim.
traits.equip_trait SteelBladder Steel Bladder
Sims with a Steel Bladder rarely have to pay attention to their Bladder Need.
traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb Super Green Thumb
Super Green Thumbs will find that the plants they garden have amazing vitality!
traits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer Thrifty
Thrifty Sims receive a 10% rebate on all Build Mode purchages made each week. Rebates will be directly applied to Household Funds.
traits.equip_trait Bane Tormentor
Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object or another Sim's best efforts.
traits.equip_trait LivingVicariously Vicarious
By being Vicarious, your Children's skill gains can contribute to your own!
traits.equip_trait Webmaster Webmaster
Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful ways to use them.
The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat)
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
Trait Cheats Result
traits.equip_trait GreatStoryteller Great Storyteller
Great Storytellers always succeed at telling bigger and better stories!
traits.equip_trait IncrediblyFriendly Incredibly Friendly
Incredibly Friendly Sims are immediately liked when met with a nice introduction.
traits.equip_trait StovesAndGrillsMaster Stoves and Grills Master
Stoves and Grills Masters have a chance to create impeccable quality consumables that use stoves and grills!
traits.equip_trait Survivalist Survivalist
Survivalists are most comfortable using camping equipment and living off the land.
The Sims 4 Build/Buy Mode Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
bb.moveobjects Combine objects by ignoring placement rules (Move Objects on)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards (including styled rooms)
Shift + ] Increase the size of objects
Shift + [ Decrease the size of objects that where previously enlarged
bb.showhiddenobjects Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
bb.enablefreebuild Edit the Hospital, Police Station, Science Lab and Secret
The Sims 4 Career/Teen Jobs Promotion Cheats
If you want to promote your Sims in their careers, use these cheats! Do you want to demote your Sims in their career, just replace promote for demote. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C.
careers.add_career {careername} Add Career
careers.promote Astronaut Get promoted in the Astronaut career
(space ranger & interstellar smuggler)
careers.promote Athletic Get promoted in the Athlete career
(professional athlete & bodybuilder)
careers.promote Business Get promoted in the Business career
(management & investor)
careers.promote Criminal Get promoted in the Criminal career
(boss & oracle)
careers.promote Culinary Get promoted in the Culinary career
(chef & mixologist)
careers.promote Entertainer Get promoted in the Entertainer career
(musician & comedian)
careers.promote Painter Get promoted in the Painter career
(master of the real & patron of the arts)
careers.promote SecretAgent Get promoted in the Secret Agent career
(diamond agent & villain)
careers.promote TechGuru Get promoted in the TechGuru career
(esport gamer & start-up entrepreneur)
careers.promote Writer Get promoted in the Writer career
(author & journalist)
careers.promote Detective Get promoted in the Detective career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Doctor Get promoted in the Doctor career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Scientist Get promoted in the Scientist career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.remove_career {careername} Quit Career
careers.retire {careername} Retire from your job and receive a pension check every day.
careers.promote Babysitter Get promoted as Babysitter (only for teens)
careers.promote Barista Get promoted as Barista (only for teens)
careers.promote FastFood Get promoted as Fast Food Employee (only for teens)
careers.promote Manual Get promoted as Manual Laborer (only for teens)
careers.promote Teen_Retail Get promoted as Retail Employee (only for teens)
careers.promote Gradeschool Raise a Child's Grade Performance in Grade school
careers.promote Highschool Raise a Child's Grade Performance in Highschool
The Sims 4 Moodlet/Emotion Cheats
Change your Sims emotions with moodlet cheats. Every moodlet cheat gives +2. If you want a +1 moodlet you can replace High for Low. Example: Sims.add_buff EnergizedLow. The moodlet that lasts 12 hours is the special Cowplant buff/debuff. Some buffs only work if you remove other moodlets. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
Sims.remove_all_buffs Removes all emotions/moodlets
Sims.add_buff EnergizedHigh Get Energized Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_energized Get Energized Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff ConfidentHigh Get Confident Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_confident Get Confident Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FlirtyHigh Get Flirty Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_flirty Get Flirty Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff InspiredHigh Get Inspired Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_inspired Get Inspired Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FocusedHigh Get Focused Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_focused Get Focused Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff PlayfulHigh Get Playful Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_playful Get Playful Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff SadHigh Get Sad Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_sad Get Sad Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff feelingangry Get Angry Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Social_Angry Get Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff unfaithful Get Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_angry Get Angry Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff Social_Happy Get Happy Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_happy Get Happy Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_uncomfortable Get Uncomfortable Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_embarrassed Get Embarrassed Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff social_bored Get Bored Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_bored Get Bored Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Fun_desperate Get Tense Moodlet
sims.add_buff buff_Tense Get Tense Moodlet (for 20 days)
sims.add_buff buff_Dazed Get Dazed Moodlet
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The Sims 4 Cheats
The Sims 4 Cheat: Unlock All Career Locked Items in Build Mode
The Sims 4 Relationship Cheats Friendship and Romance
The Sims 4 Level Up Skills Cheat
The Sims 4 - Infinite Money Cheat
The Sims 4 Career Level Up Cheats
The Sims 4 Ultimate Money Cheat!
The Sims 4 Hidden Objects Cheats
The Sims 4 Move Objects On Cheat
The Sims 4 - Satisfaction Points, Reward Store and Aspiration Milestones CHEAT
The Sims 4 How To Open Console & Enter Cheat Codes
Lets Cheat: The Sims 4 Cheat Codes
and its been going great and keep eye on new cheats that are being shard making sure its very detail
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here it is in joy
to enter cheats in to sims 4
press shitf +ctrl c and white window will pop up at top and to cloes it hit same keys or esc
Testing Cheats
Edit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for Modify in CAS
his or her name and inherited traits
Adds the selected Sim to the current household Add to Family
Fills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy mood Cheat Motive, Make Happy
Motives behave normally Cheat Motive Enable Motive Decay
Motives freeze Cheat Motive Disable Motive Decay
Resets the selected Sim or object Reset Object
Teleports a Sim to the selected point Teleport Sim
The object will become clean Make Clean
The object will become dirty Make Dirty
Raise selected object 9
Lower selected object 0
Debug mode bb.showhiddenobjects
Testing CheatsTo enable Testing Cheats, type testingcheats on. To disable them, type testingcheats off. The console will say, "Cheats Enabled". If it does not, you can try other options:testingcheats 1, testingcheats true, and testingcheats yes all work to enable the cheats. You must do this every time you load an area until a bug is fixed. Here are the things you can do with testingcheats - note that this command is also necessary for the extra cheats further down.
Shift-Click the Mailbox to access the ability to lock needs for your current household or the entire neighborhood. Disable Need Decay will make needs stop falling; re-enabling them is as simple as selecting Enable Need Decay. Make Happy will then fill needs to the maximum. You can do this on an individual Sim level by Shift-Clicking Your Sims. This will let you select to make only that Sim's needs static or make them happy by filling all needs. You are also able to completely redesign a Sim by shift-clicking them and selecting Modify in CAS. This takes you to Create-A-Sim where you can make the Sim look however you want, but not change their gender or traits.
To fully edit a Sim in Create-a-Sim, type cas.fulleditmode with Testing Cheats On. This will let you change the gender, traits, everything, and is much more powerful than the scaled down version you get without typing this cheat. Thanks Pokeh321 for giving me this information.
Shift-Clicking NPC Sims At the moment, this one seems to have disappeared. When it's working, it will allow you to add them to your household or reset them if they get stuck. You should also be able to enable/disable need decay and make them happy if you so choose - good if your Sim's date has to leave due to being tired! You can also Edit them in CAS if you like.
Shift-Clicking the Ground will allow you to Teleport anywhere you could walk in the neighborhood. Shift-Clicking Objects allows you to reset them, should something get stuck or broken.
Shift-Clicking Objects, for those that can get dirty, allows you to either make them dirty or clean - all objectcs
can be reset, as well.
This is a list of cheats in The Sims 4 that allow you to get money, prevent death, and adjust your Skill and Career levels. Much more can be done with testingcheats and cheats that were not officially released by Maxis. Here's everything you need to know to cheat in The Sims 4. Now updated with more official cheats from EA, including MoveObjects!
Open the Cheat Console by pressing Control + Shift + C. From there, you can type commands that function as cheats for The Sims 4. Press enter to activate the cheat, then press control + shift + c again to close the cheat console.
Here's a quick list of the main cheats you need:
Cheats/Console Commands
Call Handyman soak.create_soak_handyman_situation
Call Maid soak.create_soak_maid_situation
Call Party soak.create_soak_party_situation
Enable Handyman soak.enable_soak_handyman_situation
Enable Maid soak.enable_soak_maid_situation
Enable Party soak.enable_soak_party_situation
Complete Current Milestone aspirations.complete_current_milestone
Completes current aspiration milestone aspirations.complete_current_milestone
Displays available commands help
Earn a demotion in chosen career careers.demote[name of career]
Earn a promotion in chosen career careers.promote[name of career]
Edit Sim mid game. cas.fulleditmode
Enable/Disable cheats testingcheats {true/false}
Exits the game. quit
Force Bills Due households.force_bills_due
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons. hideheadlineeffects
Infinite Consumables objects.consumables_infinite_toggle
Make Any Sim or Ghost Appear Pregnant sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor
Make Maid - Turn Off sims.remove_buff NPC_Maid
Make Maid - Turn On sims.add_buff NPC_Maid
Moodlets are removed sims.remove_all_buffs
Move Objects on allows you to completely disregard all of the game's rules of object placement and place objects wherever you want. bb.moveobjects [on/off]
Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)
Spawn object objects.gsi_create_obj <objectID>
Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes + don't keep these []) sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired]
Subtracts any amount of money. sims.modify_funds -[enter amount]
Toggles fullscreen. fullscreen
Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner. fps [on|off]
Back out of dialog or automatically make a choiceui.dialog.auto_respond
Edit all base level attributes for selected Simcas.fulleditmode
Set funds to indicated number money [number]
Add value from current funds Sims.modify_funds +[number]
Subtract value from current funds Sims.modify_funds -[number]
Add indicated amount of satisfaction pointssims.give_satisfaction_points [number]
Casclockspeed 0.1-?? Slows down and speeds up the CAS actions of a Sim. (CAS ONLY)
resetSim {FirstName} {Surname} If your Sim becomes frozen or glitches out, this cheat resets the Sim to their default state.
cas.fulleditmode Enables full CAS editing for existing Sims. This includes traits, names, and clothing.
bb.showhiddenobjects Buydebug cheat. Once entered, type ‘debug’ in the search bar in buy mode to enable hidden objects.
bb.moveobjects Allows objects to be placed anywhere without any constraints. While an object is selected, use the 9 and 0 key to adjust the height of the item being moved.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlocks all build/buy objects. Ignores restrictions placed on certain objects and styled rooms that are only available with career promotions.
bb.enablefreebuild Allows the player to construct on and edit lots that are otherwise locked/hidden in the game.
sims.give_satisfaction_points {#} Gives satisfaction points where {#} is the amount of points to add.
fullscreen Toggles The Sims 4 Full screen mode on or off.
headlineeffects {on/off} Hides all headline effects including plumbobs, Sim/Plant names, and thought balloons.
Set as Head With testingcheats true enabled, SHIFT + CLICK on any object and select Set as Head. To remove the object, go onto your ACTIVE lot, SHIFT + Click and "Reset" the object. You can then sell it in buy mode, or move it around on your lot.
Pressing SHIFT + ] Increases the size of objects.
Pressing SHIFT + [ Decreases the size of objects.
Influence Death You Can't - But You Can Add Buffs
Death By Embarrassment - Cause Death Within 5 Hours sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified
Death By Exahustion sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
Death By Hunger - 24 Hour Death sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving
Death By Repair sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning
Disables Death Death.toggle
Death Flower Rare $1 48h Graft Orchid with Pomegranate. It does not stop a Sim's death immediately as it did in TS3. In The Sims 4, you need another Sim to give Grim a Death Flower after he's done arriving to take the soul. He'll accept it and bring the dead Sim back to life. Death Flower is also used in the Gourmet Cooking Ambrosia Recipe.
Type kaching or rosebud - Gives the family $1000 each time you type them.Type Motherlode - Gives the family $50,000 each time you type it.Sim Stuck? Type Resetsim Firstname Lastname - to reset a stuck Sim back to the home lot and resume your game.Type death.toggle true/false Use false to disable death. You will need to do this every time you load your game. Without true/false it does not say death is off/on, just that it's toggled.. It's safer to just use death.toggle falsehideheadlineeffects on/off toggle between showing headline effects over Sims. This is good for taking screenshots or making movies.freerealestate on/off - Makes homes free when typed while shopping for a house - this can let you live in a mansion without needing to afford it. This is a helpful cheat when you're Moving a Sim out of the house and want that Sim to live in a better home.households.autopay_bills - Annoying bills will trouble you no longer.sims.remove_all_buffs will remove all moodlets from your Sim. Those from high needs and environment will come back up, so you can effectively remove negative moodlets with this one.fps on/off - display frames per second. Good for tuning graphical settings for optimal performance.fullscreen - type this to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode - you can even adjust window size! Great for checking guides while you - the Move Objects cheat returned in a Patch. Type this, then use 9 and 0 to adjust the item being 'held'. With this, you have powerful creative control over objects and can place them without constraint. It allows for some super cool looks, so experiment with this one if you love building/decorating!bb.showhiddenobjects (Buydebug Cheat) - After typing this, look to the top right of the list for 'Filter Objects'. You can see Content there. Under Content will be Debug. Then, when going to a category, you will see only the Debug objects. By doing this, you can build things like ponds on your lot, objects created by skills, and other debug objects. An easy way to see everything under build mode is to go to objects by function and select Show All on that dropdown. To find Ponds for fishing holes, type fishing in the search - Allows you to build on otherwise locked lots, such as the new Active Careers' Science Lab, Police Station, and Hospitalbb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - to make that one more readable, it's spelling ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement. This allows you to ignore the restrictions placed on certain objects and the styled rooms that come with career promotions.
Money X - Type Money 50000 or 1000000, whatever you like, and your family will have that amount exactly. This can be used to subtract funds, because it sets the money to whatever amount you specify.
Satisfaction/Aspiration Cheats - Type aspirations.complete_current_milestoneand you will get all the satisfaction from completing those, while moving closer to the special trait you get. You can do this over and over to get all special reward traits on a Sim. To simply get 100 Satisfaction, type sims.add_buff Points, followed bysims.remove_buff points. You must type these two over and over to get the 100 satisfaction again. The Aspiration cheat is better in my opinion.
Infinite Consumables - One-time use potions can be bought with satisfaction. You may also milk Cow Plants that have killed Sims to get a potion that increases a Sim's lifespan. You can make these consumables infinite by using theobjects.consumables_infinite_toggle Cheat. This can allow you to always get a particular emotion, or make a Sim immortal with aging still on.
Remove negative moodlets by typing Sims.remove_all_buffs. This will take away positive as well, but you can get those back. The link to TwistedMexican's wiki has a list of all buffs, which can be added/removed individually.
Careers Cheats - Type Careers.promote X - for example careers.promote astronaut would promote your Sim 1 level in the Astronaut career. Any Careers that have multiple words should contain no spaces, for example careers.promote X also works, causing a Sim to go back a level. You cannot use this to go back to the branch choice for a career - if you're at the first level of a branch, you'll be fired using this.
Skill Cheats - Type Stats.set_skill_level skill X with X being the level of skill you'd like the selected Sim to be. You can find _ near the backspace key on your keyboard. Skills are named like this:
Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 - make handiness 10. Note the Major_ before the skill name. If you did this, you'd see the level 10 popup. If you want to see what unlocks with each level, read the guide or adjust it by 1 each time so that you can see information on each new level. Here are all the skills you can type
Stats.set_skill_level Major 10
stats.set_skill_level major_Herbalism -Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
stats.set_skill_level major_charisma
stats.set_skill_level major_comedy
stats.set_skill_level major_homestylecooking
stats.set_skill_level major_fishing
stats.set_skill_level skill_fitness
stats.set_skill_level major_gardening
stats.set_skill_level major_gourmetcooking
stats.set_skill_level major_guitar
stats.set_skill_level major_handiness
stats.set_skill_level major_herbalism
stats.set_skill_level major_logic
stats.set_skill_level major_mischief
stats.set_skill_level major_bartending (Mixology)
stats.set_skill_level major_painting
stats.set_skill_level major_piano
stats.set_skill_level major_programming
stats.set_skill_level major_reaping
stats.set_skill_level major_rocketscience
stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming
stats.set_skill_level major_violin
stats.set_skill_level major_writing
stats.set_skill_level major_baking -Get to Work
stats.set_skill_level major_Photography - Max 5, Get to Work
headlineeffect on/off -hides the bubbles and plumbob
Customize the size of Items - Enlarge or Shrink - This only works while in build mode, as changing object size requires you to be able to fit it somewhere. Take the object you want to change size of and Press Shift + ] to make it bigger. You can shrink objects down to one tile by using Shift + [ or using Control + Z to undo your changes. Press this too much and it will grow enormously. The controls for this are a little wonky, so experimentation is recommended. I press control + ] then move the object to see the change. This is necessary. Thankfully, if you go overboard like in the picture above you can always undo it and shrink the object down to a size you like.
Edit Relationship Level with Sims
First, make sure you have activated the testingcheats code (testingcheats true/testingcheats on). Open the console menu and copy/paste the code below and edit "PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName" with your Sim's information and then "TargetFirstName TargetLastName" with your target Sim's information and a number
between -100 to 100. Note that this will only change how your Sim feels, not the NPC Sim.
Makes Acquaintances with ALL sims Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete.
Spawn a Friend for Me Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim.
Customize Sims relationships. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName (-100 to 100) Friendship/Romance_Main
Makes Sims good friends. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName TargetLastName 100 Friendship_Main
Makes Sims soulmates. modifyrelationship PlayedSimFirstName PlayedSimLastName TargetFirstName
TargetLastName 100 Romance_Main
Babies cheat
U can infulence the sex of your sim baby eat strawberries and listen to pop music to increase chances of girl. And for a boy it's carrots and alternative music. for all u simmers who get a boy instead of a girl
The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true. Use the search box if you are looking for specific traits you need like; relationship traits, skills traits or maybe career traits. If you want to remove Traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces}
Trait Cheats Result
traits.equip_trait Alluring Alluring
Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others.
traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome Always Welcome
Always Welcome Sims will act more at home when at others' residences, and the hosts won't mind at all!
traits.equip_trait AnglersTranquility Angler's Tranquility
Sims with Angler's Tranquility will find that all of their problems seem to melt away while they are fishing.
traits.equip_trait Antiseptic Antiseptic
Antiseptic Sims' Hygiene Need decays much slower.
traits.equip_trait Appraiser Appraiser
Appraisers can sell collectibles like Metals, Crystals, Elements, and Fossils to the Simsonian Museum for extra money.
traits.equip_trait Beguiling Beguiling
Beguiling Sims can put anyone in a flirty mood with just one look.
traits.equip_trait Business_Savvy Business Savvy
Business Savvy Sims earn more than the standard rate from careers.
traits.equip_trait Carefree Carefree
Carefree Sims will never get Tense.
traits.equip_trait Collector Collector
Collectors can find rare collectibles more often!
traits.equip_trait EternalBond Companion
Sims with a Companion have special interactions with their spouse that help ease the trials of life.
traits.equip_trait Connections Connections
Sims with Connections start all Careers several levels ahead!
traits.equip_trait CreativeVisionary Creative Visionary
Creative Visionaries have a higher chance of painting and writing masterworks.
traits.equip_trait CreativelyGifted Creatively Gifted
Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Dastardly Dastardly
Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.
traits.equip_trait FamilySim Domestic
Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.
traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial Sims are more likely to get promoted in their Career.
traits.equip_trait EssenceOfFlavor Essence of Flavor
Sims with the Essence of Flavor make higher quality food and drink.
traits.equip_trait Expressionistic Expressionistic
Expressionistic Sims have captured the essence of feeling, and can create highly emotional works of art regardless of their actual mood!
traits.equip_trait Fertile Fertile
Fertile Sims have an easier time when trying for a baby, and a higher chance of twins or triplets.
traits.equip_trait FreeServices Free Services
All single use service requests are free.
traits.equip_trait FreshChef Fresh Chef
Fresh Chefs always make the highest quality food, and it never spoils!
traits.equip_trait Frugal Frugal
A Frugal Sim's household has reduced bills.
traits.equip_trait GreatKisser Great Kisser
Great Kissers have amazing success with kissing, and increase Charisma with every kiss!
traits.equip_trait Gregarious Gregarious
Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster.
traits.equip_trait GymRat Gym Rat
Gym Rats build Fun and don't lose Hygiene while exercising!
traits.equip_trait TheKnack Handy
Handy Sims can instantly Fix and Upgrade any object.
traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry Hardly Hungry
Some Sims just don't have much of an appetite.
traits.equip_trait High_Metabolism High Metabolism
It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism.
traits.equip_trait Hilarious Hilarious
Hilarious Sims can never go wrong with a joke, and have a few extra-special ones up their
traits.equip_trait Independent Independent
Independent Sims' Social Need decays slower.
traits.equip_trait Longevity Long Lived
Long Lived lets Sims live longer lives, barring any accidents.
traits.equip_trait Marketable Marketable
Marketable Sims sell items they've crafted for more Simoleons!
traits.equip_trait Mastermind Mastermind
Masterminds know just the right things to say to cause anger, sadness, and jealousy in their opponents.
traits.equip_trait Memorable Memorable
Relationships decay more slowly.
traits.equip_trait MentallyGifted Mentally Gifted
Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Mentor Mentor
Once Mentors reach Level 10 in certain skills, the Mentor interaction becomes available and they can help other Sims improve their skills even more quickly!
traits.equip_trait MorningPerson Morning Sim
Morning Sim build extra skill in the morning.
traits.equip_trait Muser Muser
Musers get better boosts to their skills when they're inspired.
traits.equip_trait OneWithNature Naturalist
Sims that are Naturalists don't need to fear fire; it won't touch them, and they can extinguish it with ease.
traits.equip_trait NeverWeary Never Weary
Never Weary Sims need less sleep.
traits.equip_trait NightOwl Night Owl
Night Owls build extra skill at night.
traits.equip_trait Observant Observant
Observant Sims learn the traits of others just by meeting them.
traits.equip_trait PerfectHost Perfect Host
Perfect Hosts get a boost to the score of any social event they throw.
traits.equip_trait PhysicallyGifted Physically Gifted
Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster.
traits.equip_trait Piper Piper
Pipers know an arsenal of songs that have significant power over others.
traits.equip_trait Player Player
Players will never cause other Sims to get jealous, no matter what they do.
traits.equip_trait EpicPoet Poetic
Poetic Sims can capture life itself in a book, and wield it to bring back someone they've lost.
traits.equip_trait PotionMaster Potion Master
Potion Masters can mix potent drinks which can sway the drinker's emotions.
traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker Professional Slacker
Professional Slackers have no fear of being demoted or fired.
traits.equip_trait Chronicler Professorial
Professorial Sims can write helpful manuals about any skill they're wellversed in.
traits.equip_trait Quick_Learner Quick Learner
Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster.
traits.equip_trait Savant Savant
Savants gain all skills much faster!
traits.equip_trait Shameless Shameless
Shameless Sims will never get Embarrassed!
traits.equip_trait Invested Shrewd
Shrewd Sims receive a direct deposit each week based on their Household Funds.
traits.equip_trait Sincere Sincere
Sincere Sims have more success with Apologies and Compliments.
traits.equip_trait SociallyGifted Socially Gifted
Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster.
traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner Speed Cleaner
Speed Cleaners tidy up much faster!
traits.equip_trait SpeedReader Speed Reader
Speed Readers read books faster than your average Sim.
traits.equip_trait SteelBladder Steel Bladder
Sims with a Steel Bladder rarely have to pay attention to their Bladder Need.
traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb Super Green Thumb
Super Green Thumbs will find that the plants they garden have amazing vitality!
traits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer Thrifty
Thrifty Sims receive a 10% rebate on all Build Mode purchages made each week. Rebates will be directly applied to Household Funds.
traits.equip_trait Bane Tormentor
Tormentors can sabotage almost anything, be it an object or another Sim's best efforts.
traits.equip_trait LivingVicariously Vicarious
By being Vicarious, your Children's skill gains can contribute to your own!
traits.equip_trait Webmaster Webmaster
Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful ways to use them.
The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat)
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
Trait Cheats Result
traits.equip_trait GreatStoryteller Great Storyteller
Great Storytellers always succeed at telling bigger and better stories!
traits.equip_trait IncrediblyFriendly Incredibly Friendly
Incredibly Friendly Sims are immediately liked when met with a nice introduction.
traits.equip_trait StovesAndGrillsMaster Stoves and Grills Master
Stoves and Grills Masters have a chance to create impeccable quality consumables that use stoves and grills!
traits.equip_trait Survivalist Survivalist
Survivalists are most comfortable using camping equipment and living off the land.
The Sims 4 Build/Buy Mode Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
bb.moveobjects Combine objects by ignoring placement rules (Move Objects on)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards (including styled rooms)
Shift + ] Increase the size of objects
Shift + [ Decrease the size of objects that where previously enlarged
bb.showhiddenobjects Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
bb.enablefreebuild Edit the Hospital, Police Station, Science Lab and Secret
The Sims 4 Career/Teen Jobs Promotion Cheats
If you want to promote your Sims in their careers, use these cheats! Do you want to demote your Sims in their career, just replace promote for demote. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C.
careers.add_career {careername} Add Career
careers.promote Astronaut Get promoted in the Astronaut career
(space ranger & interstellar smuggler)
careers.promote Athletic Get promoted in the Athlete career
(professional athlete & bodybuilder)
careers.promote Business Get promoted in the Business career
(management & investor)
careers.promote Criminal Get promoted in the Criminal career
(boss & oracle)
careers.promote Culinary Get promoted in the Culinary career
(chef & mixologist)
careers.promote Entertainer Get promoted in the Entertainer career
(musician & comedian)
careers.promote Painter Get promoted in the Painter career
(master of the real & patron of the arts)
careers.promote SecretAgent Get promoted in the Secret Agent career
(diamond agent & villain)
careers.promote TechGuru Get promoted in the TechGuru career
(esport gamer & start-up entrepreneur)
careers.promote Writer Get promoted in the Writer career
(author & journalist)
careers.promote Detective Get promoted in the Detective career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Doctor Get promoted in the Doctor career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote Scientist Get promoted in the Scientist career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.remove_career {careername} Quit Career
careers.retire {careername} Retire from your job and receive a pension check every day.
careers.promote Babysitter Get promoted as Babysitter (only for teens)
careers.promote Barista Get promoted as Barista (only for teens)
careers.promote FastFood Get promoted as Fast Food Employee (only for teens)
careers.promote Manual Get promoted as Manual Laborer (only for teens)
careers.promote Teen_Retail Get promoted as Retail Employee (only for teens)
careers.promote Gradeschool Raise a Child's Grade Performance in Grade school
careers.promote Highschool Raise a Child's Grade Performance in Highschool
The Sims 4 Moodlet/Emotion Cheats
Change your Sims emotions with moodlet cheats. Every moodlet cheat gives +2. If you want a +1 moodlet you can replace High for Low. Example: Sims.add_buff EnergizedLow. The moodlet that lasts 12 hours is the special Cowplant buff/debuff. Some buffs only work if you remove other moodlets. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
Sims.remove_all_buffs Removes all emotions/moodlets
Sims.add_buff EnergizedHigh Get Energized Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_energized Get Energized Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff ConfidentHigh Get Confident Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_confident Get Confident Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FlirtyHigh Get Flirty Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_flirty Get Flirty Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff InspiredHigh Get Inspired Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_inspired Get Inspired Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff FocusedHigh Get Focused Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_focused Get Focused Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff PlayfulHigh Get Playful Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_playful Get Playful Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff SadHigh Get Sad Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_sad Get Sad Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff feelingangry Get Angry Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Social_Angry Get Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff unfaithful Get Angry Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_angry Get Angry Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
Sims.add_buff Social_Happy Get Happy Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_happy Get Happy Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_uncomfortable Get Uncomfortable Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff e_buff_embarrassed Get Embarrassed Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff social_bored Get Bored Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_bored Get Bored Moodlet (lasts 12 hours)
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Fun_desperate Get Tense Moodlet
sims.add_buff buff_Tense Get Tense Moodlet (for 20 days)
sims.add_buff buff_Dazed Get Dazed Moodlet
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Lets Cheat: The Sims 4 Cheat Codes
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
show time people
so been build up newcrest and its beengoing great
slowly but surely aliens
are fun play whit :)
a home for person i made then they turn round and blocked me
grr people can be real ass hole now days but it any one want use this home go for it
MY Origin ID is Elventin
buy a sims 4 t-shirt here
Saturday, 20 June 2015
fathers day for simmers in joy and share your game whit your dad
so i made new home for friend in my group on fb
here is link and my Origin ID Elventin
hope you in joy your day and happy fathers to all you dad's :)
in joy it spend lots time whit man who made you whit your mom
lol tell him how much he means too you
Because you only get one dad in this life time :)
ps maybe get dad play sims whit you never know maybe he is simmer too :)
here is link and my Origin ID Elventin
hope you in joy your day and happy fathers to all you dad's :)
in joy it spend lots time whit man who made you whit your mom
lol tell him how much he means too you
Because you only get one dad in this life time :)
ps maybe get dad play sims whit you never know maybe he is simmer too :)
Thursday, 18 June 2015
hard to run or do anything
so hard keep up on
blog and sims
i all so am on steam
i own lot games
but i joy all my video
games even
going to play
some left for dead :)
blog and sims
i all so am on steam
i own lot games
but i joy all my video
games even
going to play
some left for dead :)
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
its my birthday
so been playing for little bit whit some aliens i am going restart my
game bc some thing will went wrong
here some picks
of them :)
goodbye :)
hello new
join uss
game bc some thing will went wrong
here some picks
of them :)
goodbye :)
hello new
join uss
Saturday, 13 June 2015
give to others that don't have and you will get more from it then anything witch is happiness
so here is my sims in newcrest
death was out for a walk should i be worried or not lol good see him get out tho :)
death was out for a walk should i be worried or not lol good see him get out tho :)
so person in my sims group is doing a giveaway so thought help here out :)
ps hope you all have good weekend
Friday, 12 June 2015
stuck in mud whit my pc need help
so i am in need of help
if any one
can i am missing 8gm ram
but only showing 4
i got 64bit win 7 premun
like been looking on youtube and internet ask my father who is really good whit pc but hes even stuck on it and not sure :)
if any one
can i am missing 8gm ram
but only showing 4
i got 64bit win 7 premun
like been looking on youtube and internet ask my father who is really good whit pc but hes even stuck on it and not sure :)
Thursday, 11 June 2015
suckers for simmers
got some thing
i am working on
hope to be starting soon :)
will show you
my sucker
been seeing lot new stuff for sims 4 poping up
like an update to day and new stuff pack :)
wow ea likes pump this stuff out fast hope this not their way of ignoring are demand
of toddlers like it would nice do that stuff again its waird not having them in another it good but
can't skip stage of life humans don't work that lol well at least i hope so .
ps found this on sims gall
it seens some made sick mod :(
why do this
i am working on
hope to be starting soon :)
will show you
my sucker
been seeing lot new stuff for sims 4 poping up
like an update to day and new stuff pack :)
wow ea likes pump this stuff out fast hope this not their way of ignoring are demand
of toddlers like it would nice do that stuff again its waird not having them in another it good but
can't skip stage of life humans don't work that lol well at least i hope so .
ps found this on sims gall
it seens some made sick mod :(
why do this
Saturday, 6 June 2015
aliens are coming for us
so one of sims is now gone in to being a scientist so far have build a portal
and gone to home plant and have made contact whit them so here what happen
today :) in joy
he got her nocked up
aliens undercover
aww she going be a great nanny and mom
and gone to home plant and have made contact whit them so here what happen
today :) in joy
he got her nocked up
aliens undercover
aww she going be a great nanny and mom
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