Wednesday, 29 April 2015

sims 4 mods

so now my mods that i add in to my game are being kicked out of thier files
it is being rather pain in my ass i don't got any virise on my pc
noting new whit sims 4 grr.

so i got new problem to bitch about 
and need help okay so put my mods in some them need say zip and unzip well now put them in load game up some work some don't so then go back in to mods folder and they been took out files and i did not do it sims 4 did like what hell feels like some gone throw my beds room dump on my clothes on my floor like when did EA have right go throw my mods ?? and ive scan my pc she if i got any bugs nope clean as bell and i am not sure what to do >?

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

time has pasted

i am done being mad at sims 4
and ea but hopefully i can rebuy my sims 4
stuff :) soon

Saturday, 25 April 2015

will be back

just need some time away i am very mad at EA
on takes them for ever fix shits
piss me of tho
 but thier is some light whit in EA talk to a lovely guy who works thier named mike
he is even said ea need work
how sad that even staff have get shitty end of stick

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

good bye

Hello fellow simmer i am not longer dealing whit sims 4 it has stress me to max so has ea staff
am done whit sims 4 for good do not play to come back in less can  fix thier shit
whit orgin and thier dumb staff
good by simms hello STEAM

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

fixed and ready to play

so i got my game fixed
so fuck you EA
all i got say i don't need you
EA when i got great and help full friends
:) ps making a pimp house so will keep update on that :)
whit pic :)

Sunday, 19 April 2015

sims is up

got my sims 2 work had delete my sims yet again but its all good nice make new famillys

Saturday, 18 April 2015

EA help is not help it is the cake is lie yep

so been having some really not use full help from 
EA help tell me list stuff that would fix my game 

1.its Orgin try and clean it out did that or try to re install it 
did that too and did not work or restart your pc did not work 
2. its your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware that is blocking game 
bs been on my pc for bit now game has been fine so ya 
hats not it.
3. its mods on your pc nope thats not it oh bc letf them in well patch was going nope took them out 
like ea told me witch was bad idea lol 

ps EA lies 
on ya hears some thoughts from a person in my group who has had same 
problems as me 

Good luck. I personally think they are slightly to the wrong side of useless. You'll get a lot of friendliness with no help at all and after and hour and after they've consulted with their "specialist" you'll get a promise of an investigation and a thanks for your understanding.

PS hope EA see this maybe might get patch fix this 
thing whit 

my mods crash my game none of them are bad 
so i am very pisst i cant play whit my mods 

when remove them it works so got be some thing on thier end will try reinstall it but if dose not work i am quit sims 
4 for good 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Saturday, 11 April 2015

kids these days


so far sims is been really good lately and ive got lot kids now i need get them married so i can grad-kids lol.
on ya here is link to my facebook group :)

and one more thing watch out for drama in sims gruops on faceboook not name any body or gruops :) but can get in mess :( lol

Monday, 6 April 2015

Bath & Body Works

so far  so good game whit new dlc get to work is okay but i feel ea is not holding up stuff they promised like an open world like wtf
EA this some bullshit i feel like not nuff room in game whit towns and more grrr why dose EA got be a dink at times i get lot work but attest hold to your words

here is pick of one of my store i made called sexy works it is got some mods in from body and bath works if would like that then i will post link below
here is video of the stuff found this video is by Kawaii

and here is link for mod

Saturday, 4 April 2015

sims sucks at times

so i hat to take my mods out and delete my other sims sav file messed up so i made  new family :) whit lovely lady will share some pic of her and new kids she had 2 twins and her husband had one lol i do still got some mods working but some don't